Discover the fascinating world of butterflies of Great Britain, Ireland and Western Europe. Learn to recognize them in your garden or on a walk.

  • More than 100 species that can be observed in Great Britain, Ireland, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland...
  • Complete information for each species.
  • An AI helper that recognises more than 30 common species without connection.
  • Tips to easily differentiate between similar species.
  • Easy identification by visual criteria (colours, shape of spots...).
  • A mini encyclopaedia with general and surprising information about butterflies.

Download Machaon on the App Store

Frequently asked questions

I prefer to use scientific names. Is this possible?

Go to the « Settings » of the Machaon application and check « Sort by scientific names ».

I found an error in Machaon. How is this possible?

Some butterflies have different common names, the taxonomy (classification) changes regularly according to the latest discoveries… or I may have made a mistake somewhere (I’m a bit forgetful).
Contact me to explain my mistake and I will correct it in a next update.

I have a problem with your Machaon application. What should I do?

Tell me below what happens, under which circumstances, on which device, which version of iOS… (details will help).

I’ll fix it in a future update.

I took a picture of a butterfly but the AI helper seems to be wrong. Why?

Try cropping your photo to make the butterfly visible.

The AI helper currently recognises 31 of the most common butterfly species.
It is possible that the species photographed is not in this list. Use the filters to find the right species.

By buying Machaon at a fair price, you will also encourage the development of the application. I will be able to add new species and improve the AI helper.

I saw a butterfly that is not in Machaon, could you add it?

Not all the butterflies of the world (more than 150 000) are described in Machaon. The most common species of Great Britain, Ireland, France, Belgium, Switzerland and Luxembourg are included. If you think an important species is missing, please contact me below. I will try to add it in a next update.

You can also encourage me to develop Machaon by paying the app as you want  ;o)

I have a great idea for your application, can I tell you?

Of course I am. I’m open to all ideas (well, almost). Send me a little message below and we’ll discuss it.

Besides, I like messages.

Is the Machaon app free?

Let’s do a little experiment… You download and use the application as you want and you estimate the value of my work.

Depending on your means or your opinion: Zero, £2 or £20. It’s up to you!
